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Summer Sports Injuries and Your Protective Coverage

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

The Summer is in full swing! This means more opportunities to get outside for your favourite activities, and for many in Canada that means getting to play your favourite seasonal sports once more: from tennis, to frisbee, to biking, to soccer, there are so many games to get involved in.

Many of our clients at DASH are sports enthusiasts and athletes themselves. This is why we know just how passionate you can be for your favourite sports, all while being aware of the physical risks involved with playing. We’ve seen many sports injuries over the years, and know firsthand how they can affect your life when you least expect them.

A 2015 study from Stats Canada found that in Canada, 35% of injuries occurred during participation in some type of sports or exercise. This occurred most frequently in young people aged 12-19, with 66% obtaining some kind of sports-related injury (that’s two thirds of all youth!). This was more than twice as high as working-age adults at 29%.

There are ways to prevent minor injuries if you are involved in sports and frequent exercise. These include: stretching and increasing flexibility, wearing the right protective gear, using correct techniques for playing, lifting with proper body positioning, not playing through any pain in your body, and taking rest periods after high-levels of exertion.

Yet, even by following these prevention tips, millions of Canadians have suffered from injuries that have impacted or limited their daily abilities during recovery: this can spell disaster when it means being unable to work while recovering, or people pushing themselves to go back to work before fully recovered. This is a dangerous choice as it increases the possibility of re-injury, but is sadly what many feel like they need to do.

But do you really want to let fear of injury stop you from enjoying your favourite sports and past-times? Accidents can happen anywhere, so the most proactive solution is getting accident and injury insurance coverage to give you peace of mind that should injury strike, you can rest and recover fully to get back in the game! Whether for individuals or on a family plan, DASH has years of experience with sports-related injuries: from hockey to softball, we’ve seen it all!

The team at DASH knows what it’s like to experience unexpected accidents and injuries, and want to make sure your best asset is covered: YOU. No matter what hobbies or sports you are involved in, we can assess your risks and find a plan that is best suited to your needs

Give us a call or text 780-951-0701 or email for a free consultation.


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